September 16, 2015 (Wednesday)
15:00 Registration
15:30 Workshops
18:00 End of Program
September 17, 2015 (Thursday)
8:30 Registration
9:30 Welcoming Remarks - Carlo Maria Bartolini (President of Università degli Studi eCampus, Italy)
9:45 Keynote Speaker – Prof. Paolo Paolini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 Session 1
1. A service-oriented distributed learning environment for manufacturing workplaces,
Stefano Bianchi (Softeco Sismat, Italy)
2. Assessing the Usability of Learning Management System: User Experience Study,
Maha Althobaiti (University of East Anglia, UK)
3. Automation of Variant Preparation and Solving Estimation of Algorithmic Tasks for Virtual Laboratories Based on Automata Model,
Evgeniy Efimchik (ITMO University, Russia)
4. Change of Attitude in Class for Creating Slides to Present Product,
Isao Miyaji (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
5. Does Character's Visual Style Affect Viewer's Perception of Signing Avatars?,
Nicoletta Adamo-Villani (Purdue University, USA)
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 14:45 SGames Keynote Speaker - Prof. Jane Read (University of Central Lancashire, UK)
14:45 - 15:30 Tech-Talk – Eng. Stefano Santo Sabato (MediaSoft, Italy) – joint with SGames
15:30 Session 2
1. E-learning project assessment using learners’ topic in social media,
Stefania Pasanisi (Università del Salento, Italy)
2. Engaging Our School Teachers: an Augmented Reality (AR) Approach to Continuous Professional Development,
Philip Howlett (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
3. Enhancing student support with a Virtual Assistant,
Edward Currie (Middlesex University, UK)
4. Investigating the Digital Literacy Needs of Healthcare Students: Using Mobile Tablet Devices for the Assessment of Student-nurse Competency in Clinical Practice,
George Evangelinos (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
5. Student Engagement in an Online Environment: Are we Trying to Mimic Contact Education? A South African Perspective,
Apostolos (Paul) Giannakopoulos (University of South Africa, South Africa)
6. Self-directed learning in e-portfolios: Design issues and investigation of students’ performance,
Athanassios Jimoyiannis (University of Peloponnese, Greece)
17:30 Coffee Break
18:00 Demo Session
Michael Hobbs & Debbie Holley (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
This is a hands on demonstration of how we can use of Augmented Reality in learning and teaching. We will be showing a very simple freely available application ‘aurasma’ that uses a tablet or smart phone camera to allow short clips of user generated media to be triggered by viewing real world objects or images. The combined image is shown on the camera viewfinder mixing the real image with an overlaid media or animation. As well as trying out our own demonstrations you can use your own device to download Aurasma (from google play or apple app store) and create your own ‘Auras’. You will need an internet connection and the ability to install an app on your device
Nicoletta Adamo-Villani (Purdue University, USA)
We will demo the Information Assurance (IA) game, a role-playing serious game designed to introduce undergraduate students to secure coding concepts. Users will be able to interact with the game and browse the accompanying laboratory exercises. The game is funded by the National Science Foundation and is a collaborative project between Purdue and Stanford University.
Stefano Bianchi (Softeco Sismat, Italy)
The TELL ME project (www.tellme-ip.eu) presents a Hands-on Live Demonstrator for vocational training, showcasing the learning process required to perform fault check and replacement of broken modules on a control box. Attendees will experience different types of training resources: from plain web-based visualization of the job card – enriched with explicative photos and videos – up to an interactive Augmented Reality App (Android) guiding the trainee with overlayed instructions, through the possibility of being guided by a hands-free Interactive Job Card Mobile App (Android).
19:30 End of Program
20:30 Conference Dinner
September 18, 2015 (Friday)
8:30 Registration
9:00 Session 3
1. Making Neuroscience Important and Relevant: Online Learning in an Innovative Bachelor of Dementia Care Program,
Lynette Goldberg (University of Tasmania, Australia)
2. Students’ Perception of Privacy Risks in using Social Networking Sites for Learning: A Study of Uganda Christian University,
Francis Otto (University of Reading, UK)
3. Using Social Networking Tools for Teaching and Learning: A Perspective of University Lecturers and Students,
Francis Otto (University of Reading, UK)
4. MOOCs scenarios and learning recognition. A step further?,
Maurizio Betti (University of Bologna, Italy)
5. Open Badges: Encouraging Participation in Software Development Modules,
Bobby Law (Glasgow Caledonian University, UK)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Session 4
1. Personalization of Foreign Language Education in the LMS Moodle Environment,
Vladimir Bradáč (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
2. Student Action Prediction for Automatic Tutoring for Procedural Training in 3D Virtual Environments,
Diego Riofrío (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
3. Students’ acceptance of peer review,
Veronika Dropčová (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
4. The Impact of Mobile Technology in Education: A focus on Business Information Systems at the International University of Management in Namibia,
Apostolos (Paul) Giannakopoulos (University of South Africa, South Africa)
5. Using Augmented Reality to engage STEM students with an authentic curriculum,
Mike Hobbs (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Session 5
1. Assessing Student and Teacher Experiences on Simulation and Remote Biotechnology Virtual labs: A Case Study with a Light Microscopy Experiment,
Shyam Diwakar (Amrita University, India)
2. Big Data and Organizational Learning: Conceptualizing the Link,
John Serbe Marfo (University of Ghana, Ghana)
3. Fostering collective intelligence education,
Jaime Meza (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
4. Utilizing LMS tools to help with student assessment in an online course, Dudley Turner (University of Akron, USA)
5. XML based Pre-processing and Analysis of Log Data in Adaptive E-learning System: An Algorithmic Approach, Sucheta Kolekar (Manipal University, India)
16:00 Extra keynote - Aron K. Barbey (University of Illinois, USA) - joint with SGames2015
16:45 Closing Remarks and End of Program - joint with SGames2015